Even Giants

This happened

Based on the information provided, it seems like there may be a potential scam or fraudulent activity involving SEO services and a website called evengiants.com. Here is the analysis and steps to take:

1. **Research on Even Giants Website**: The website mentioned, evengiants.com, should be further investigated to check if it’s a legitimate website or a potential scam site. Look up reviews, domain age, contact information, and any other relevant details to assess its credibility.

2. **Search for Complaints or Scams**: Conduct a search using the terms “evengiants.com scam” or “evengiants.com reviews” to see if there are any complaints or reports of fraudulent activities associated with this website.

3. **Contact Google**: If the email mentions Google and SEO rankings, it’s important to reach out to Google directly to report any potential violations of their guidelines or scams related to SEO services. Google has strict policies regarding manipulative SEO practices.

4. **Review Legal Options**: If there are indications of a breach of fiduciary duty or potential fraud, it may be necessary to consult with legal counsel to explore options for taking action against the parties involved.

5. **File a Complaint**: If you determine that there is indeed fraudulent activity or a breach of fiduciary duty, consider filing a complaint with the appropriate authorities or organizations, such as the Better Business Bureau or relevant consumer protection agencies.

6. **Protect Your Website**: If you have a website and are concerned about its SEO performance, consider reaching out to reputable SEO agencies or consultants for assistance in improving your site’s rankings using legitimate and ethical strategies.

Overall, it’s crucial to thoroughly investigate the situation, gather evidence, and take appropriate steps to address any potential issues related to fiduciary duty breaches, scams, or fraudulent SEO services. Remember to prioritize your website’s integrity and reputation while dealing with such matters.



